Wednesday 2 May 2018

My first day in Estonia

As daylight breaks over Tallinn I’m greeted with some solid rain outside my hotel window, this might stifle our plans for today. I’m trying to organise my washing through the hotel system but so far no success, I might wait until the receptionist shows up a bit later. Just a few more things I learnt yesterday about  Latvia and Estonia they are both covered by 50 percent of forests, and their inter country rivalry makes Australia and New Zealand’s look second rate. Outside the temperature is 4 c and cold but inside it’s above toasty so I have to have the window open to let in some fresh air, breakfast is not until 8am because today is a public holiday. More news on the in house washing and I’m in shock 8 bucks for a pair of jocks and same for a tee shirt, these Estonians must think I’m the bank of Estonia. I complete this mission in the hand basin for free, and if Svetlana the cleaning lady alters my drying arrangement this could be war. The sisters poked their head out for breakfast and have returned to their cave to plan for today and maybe some washing, it’s 9.30 am and still icey outside . We all rug up and hit the streets of old town Tallinn , to the people who invented cobblestone you are killing us . We walk the walls of this ancient city just in awe of the history involved in this place, we catch a lighter moment and head for the Balti market where we discover some more Estonian eating delights . If it wasn’t for our strict walking regime we would be a sight for sore eyes, just maybe a few kilos have been added but we are still a work in progress. WADDA has chosen to have a Sisters free couple of hours tomorrow, I’m heading to the gun range to fire 7 military style guns including the very famous Kalashnikov also a gun they call the Roomcleaner (shotgun) and the Desert Eagle 50 now the most powerful handgun in the world, the others are Glock pistols and a Swat Carbine . This should make my morning very interesting (I hope) with the day coming to an end it’s goodbye for now......... WADDA

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