Tuesday 2 May 2023

Times up

 The last 6 weeks we’ve spent in the UK have been let me just say special, , with daughter no 2 who managed and choreographed the whole program. With Cornwall pretty much covered including the EDEN PROJECT we shift our sights to stuff that was more localised. The museum at TRING certainly captured our attention, it has taken taxidermy to a whole new level. As we stay local for a few days plotting our trip  by train to WHITBY then on up to GLASGOW for a few days. What a beautiful city and the people so friendly we head on up to INVERNESS to ride the Harry Potter train from PORT WILLIAM to MALLIAG . The money shot was crossing over the GLENFINNAN VIADUCT well worth the effort ,and the SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS make this journey worthwhile. Our return journey is via CARLISLE to see parts of HAYDRIANS Wall and the castle.I’ve saved my last big events till last. Sunday saw us head to CAMBRIDGE the university town and I wasn’t disappointed this beautiful old city was beyond all my expectations .We bed down for the night in a place called ROYSTON because tomorrow it’s off to Duxford air museum to check out the fastest passenger plane ever built, yes one of the surviving CONCORDE’s and the American spy plane the SR 71 BLACKBIRD. Again not disappointed it just taken me from 1974 till today to get up close and personal with this beautiful piece of machinery to achieve my dream . My journey home begins tomorrow out of STANSTED and ends Wednesday night back in the country I love……..Wadda              PS ……Sorry no photos my storage is chock a block and I don’t know how to transfer then. ……NEWSFLASH …………Daughter no2 loved our company so much she has waived all accommodation costs