Monday 26 December 2016

And it is Christmas

I've waited 365 days and Christmas has finally arrived again ,with the weather hot and the air dry what more could you want.The festive season will not be the same this year because of my work commitments,not spending much time with family and friends will also tug at my heart strings .My heart is heavy with grief thinking of all the sorrow in the world at moment and those not as fortunate as myself. And to the fairy who kissed me on the bum by 67 years ago thanks again, you have given me good health and also good luck. And to all of my followers I hope that you enjoy the festive season and have a happy new year..............WADDA

Sunday 11 December 2016

Waddas plans for 2017

As a very busy year draws to an end and I quickly glance over my shoulder to the year that has been. With another  grandson being added to the family tree also working taking holidays and attending funerals this seems to have been the general run of the mill for 2016 ,so hopefully 2017 brings less funerals and more holidays and more grandchildren .I'm about to return to work as a casual in my old job as a train driver ,so hopefully I can still cut it in this demanding job .Along with my mate we are also planning a trip overseas next April but more on that in the new year. To all of the people who have been following my adventures thanks. As my urge to travel within Australia and also overseas is still strong I will try to keep my dream alive and continue to plan many more trips.............  And merry Christmas to all.......................WADDA.