Monday 28 September 2015

You lucky buggers

Hey blog watchers it's your lucky day, today you get 2 blogs for the price of one yes I did say 2 . There is a couple of things I have failed to mention so far on this trip, maybe more than a couple. Firstly our travel by the eurail system has been so easy and there trains are very fast and run on time ,secondly or accomodation has been far better than you could imagine, maybe the places with no mini bar were a pain in the a..e but all told every place has been of good standard. Food is another important factor on these long away from home trips, but again this has been our favourite part of this holiday. Selecting a food venue is taken very seriously it's not about price but what suits us at the end of the day ,ice cream eating comes easy to this bunch of sweet eaters. Sampling some of the local grape made products has also proved popular. The weather in Rome is 26 to28 during the day but cools down at night, anyway time to get some rest cos tomorrow we tackle the god squad from the Vatican at 9am..........WADDA

1 comment:

  1. Now that you are at the half-way mark of your epic world tour it is timely to comment on your usually excellent posts. Firstly, enough whingeing about the cost that those thievin' Europeans are inflicting upon you. Remember travel rule #1; if you dont come back over-weight AND over-budget you aren't enjoying it. Just screw Big Col a bit harder when you get back. Secondly, I have noticed on a similar blogsite (it may rhyme with Bronze Class Travellers) that you are succumbing to back pain - this may be real or perceived but I cannot have any staff members at SRC on 18th Oct that are any thing less than 100%. Especially those that may be operating high-powered and highly dangerous machinery such as a line-marker. I need immediate assurance that you
