Saturday 12 September 2015

The magic carpet ride

As we leave behind this beautiful city and head for the French capital of Paris ,i think of the city I am leaving behind . A clean and well set out city so easy to manoeuvre around just a great place.
The day starts early for the travellers with an 8.31am departure from St Pancres station,after clearing boarder security we wait for the time  to board the Euro Star express to Paris. As this journey begins I notice how smooth this beast is, as we clear the city we start to accelerate quite rapidly and pretty soon we are doing 200kph plus. As we slow down to go under the English Channel for 20 minute ride  to French soil I think how lucky am I. When we pop up again in the beautiful French country side the train speed is hovering around 300kph ,on this man made magic carpet. The weather is about 25c just beautiful, but at Paris metro station the well oiled machine of WADDA and Co has developed a slight squeak. We have no idea where we a going until Rebecca slides in the lead position and somehow I don't know how but managed to stumble on the right track,well done Rebecca. Alas more problems the new leader has lost her ticket, as she crashes the exit barrier like a wild rodeo bull we start to laugh all in good fun. We walk the streets of the vibrant suburb ofTemple which is a suburb in district 3 looking for a cool drink , unable to speak the lingo or work out the money side of things, life just couldn't get any better than this......................WADDA

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you are loving it....we are jealous.
