Saturday 3 October 2015

Brig to Geneva

As usual the Swiss trains are very reliable and our journey today is only a 2 hr sprint to the lake side city of Geneva. Gone are the high alps  as we head west along the valley floor, between 2 ranges of mountains this country is flat and the train is fast. Plenty of stuff to look at but its not the same as yesterday days high octane adventure, not long before we are skirting Lake Geneva this looks promising . We speed along the edge of this massive expanse of water I see that the houses are built right to the edge, and these are not shabby shacks this is Richland. On arrival at Geneva central we head for the Novetel about 2 streets away, not far into this journey the hair on the back of my neck begins to sense that things are not quite as they should be. Yes sir we have arrived in hookerville, all shapes sizes and colours , and every other sort of lowlife you could imagine. The fourth floor at the Novetel looks fairly safe but who knows, my first 3 hrs in the cesspool end of town does not look promising. The ladies are catching up on some washing while I bunker down with the grandies ,i might invest in a pair of NVGs (night vision goggles) so I can keep an eye on the situation during the night. Otherwise everything is just fine. Words of a wise man.........if you ever come to Switzerland bring plenty of money cos 3 Maccas meals cost 35 francs or $51.00 Aussie and the joint was a pigsty. But don't let me deter any would be tourist it is still a beautiful place, anyway l had better go and patrol the perimeter and keep the undesirables at bay........WADDA

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