Tuesday 18 February 2014

Little Jack pays a visit

As I ramp up for the Alternative Farming Expo news comes through that my grandson Jack is coming to sunny Seymour for a bit of a fun time with his pop.But first things first,putting together a show like this takes a lot of hard work and many long hours of walking and measuring over a 15 acre site.With map in hand and a measuring wheel the journey has begun,my mate Kiwi is keen to get started so here we go.The temperature is forecast for 40 plus over the next few days so we are in for a few tough times, it is hard to keep a couple of good men down so we press on with the task ahead,and after 5 day all the ground marking is complete, as the big boss glides through the park he seems to be impressed .As we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done ,all we need now is the site holders to roll up and settle in ,we now have a Expo. The 3 days of this event pass very quickly and trouble free ,what a great show for our town ,people come from all over to attend this event .Clean up begins on Monday and is a 2 day frenzy to get the park back into tip top shape ,mission complete.Now as I said before my grandson is here for a few days ,at the moment grandma has the inside running spoiling him rotten, my drill Sargent approach has not won him over yet so I might have to change my line and try the lollie method .As this day is almost over Jack has started to show signs that bed time beckons so I will also take the hint and also retire for night as we'll


1 comment:

  1. Job well done Johnny, a successful expo under your guidance. Kick back, have a beer and enjoy the little bloke. Kiwi
